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About Dave Nelson

Dave Nelson has been around. He is a recovering Romantic. (A Romantic is someone who desperately wants to impress his date but can’t quite figure out how to pay the dinner check.)

He once stood on the stage in the ancient amphitheater at Ephesus, in the very spot St. Paul famously addressed the Ephesians, and told a knock-knock joke. St. Paul got more laughs. He swam a 100-meter butterfly race against Mark Spitz and lost by 50 meters. That was only because Spitz had an off-day.

Bob Hope, America’s icon, called him an asshole. (Long story.) He has a Ph.D. in Omphaloskepsis. He can talk his way out of traffic tickets in French and Italian but not English.

If he could be anywhere right now, he would be sitting on a shaded terrace overlooking the Ligurian Sea, sipping vino pigato, and reflecting on the sweet sadness of Life.

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